Monday, January 17, 2011


I created this blog a week ago, but haven't written anything in it, because I've been stuck on what my flagship entry should say.  It should be a foundation for all that is to come.  It should be meaningful.  It should sum up what all future entries will be about.  Then I realized I can't do that cuz I'm not sure where this is going.  At first I wanted to create a blog about the nostalgic decade.  I would post links to 80s toys, commercials, and everything else I remember from my childhood.  And if anyone should happen to read it and want to comment, it would be fun to reminisce together.  Then I thought I'd make it more personal about my childhood, sort of like the 80s blog, but also with more memories and anecdotes, and maybe some people could relate.  Memories of my childhood, for the most part, comfort me and they are where I escape to in times of "adult life" stress.  Just watching old clips of tv commercials on youtube, or looking at pictures of toys I had, thinking "Oh my god, I TOTALLY remember that!" make me feel better.  It's escapism, and doesn't solve any of my current problems, but it's what I do.

But I have so many other interests.  I'd like to write about my interest in photography, scrapbooking, my dog.  I'd like to share cool deals and coupons I find.  I'd like to post links to funny or amazing things I find online.  I'd like to write about my "shower thoughts".  Sounds dirty, its not.  Sorry.  I just happen to do my best thinking, therefore having my best thoughts while in the shower.  I'd like to bitch about all the things I KNOW I should be doing more (like sleeping, drinking water, reading...).  I'd like to chat about how my god-awful procrastination issue holds me back from so much (you'd think that just realizing this is an issue would be at least a start to fixing it...not for me).

I'd like to get feedback on all these things.  Does anyone out there think my latest photo is good or cool?  How do other people cope with their procrastination problem?  Is there anyone out there who also remembers the 80's McDonalds's commercial where the girl is at her piano recital playing Fur Elise, singing, "And I will eat, the fries myself, and not give any, to my dumb brother...".  Ya know, the imPORtant stuff.

So, I clearly have no idea where I'm going with this blog.  Thus ends my "flagship entry".

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